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7 ways to improve your employee experience after covid-19


happierWork understands the importance of being agile and flexible in these constantly changing times. If your employees are your most important asset, focus on these 7 crucial areas to elevate your employee experience after covid-19.


The pandemic has changed working environment tremendously and it is highly unlikely that we will go back to the old ways. However, employees are still adjusting to the new-normal, with chaotic home-work environments, newer technology, and personal challenges. It becomes critical that organizations level-up and provide employee experience driven by empathy and care.

Here are 7 areas organizations can focus on to keep up with the changing environment:

Going digital:

Work-from-home has forced organizations to speed up their digital transformation. Technology is increasingly being used in every work aspect, right from hiring to offboarding. During this time, HR professionals should focus on what’s working for their employees and what’s not. They should help employees embrace the change by organizing special training events and ensuring continuous support.

Keeping work-day flexible:

Keeping in the mind the differences in working conditions for all employees, allowing some flexibility in the work schedules might help employees to manage their home and work better. This will in turn reduce stress and increase productivity.

There are plenty of goals and tasks in the organization. During the times of crisis, it is important that we prioritize the important ones.

Investing in employee engagement:

One of the major drawback of remote work is that it reduces casual conversation between employees and community engagement. Invest in some good HR technology software that helps you create a fun-loving culture and promotes employee achievements.

Taking account of employees’ personal struggles:

Covid-19 has been extremely draining for most of your employees. Most of them have experienced hardships in the past two years. Employees might still be experiencing post-covid symptoms. Tweaking leave policies and employee benefits might go a long way in building trust about the organization.

Keeping employee health as top priority:

As organizations deal with challenges such as high attrition, concern over company performance, it is easy to lose focus on employee health. But, if you want your employees to deliver, make them and their families your priority. Employees should feel valued in these stressful times.

Focusing on people strategy and business partnering:

Until recently, major responsibilities of HR professionals in an organization were related to talent acquisition and administrative tasks. There is a need to manage HR as a business and invest in advanced data-driven technology. Employee challenges need to be addressed differently and leveraging AI-ML can be extremely helpful.

“HRs can no more work in silos. It is extremely important to integrate business and people strategy in all organizations"

aman sanjay

people success team, searce.

Communication from leadership:

Employees need to believe that their organization will help and support them during any crisis that they face. No amount of communication from the leadership is too much. Empathy and care need to be practiced. This will help alleviate mental stress. Line managers need to invest their time in informal communication with their employees.


It is important to create a change in some major areas related to employee engagement and build a culture that is filled with care and empathy for each other.

We, at happierWork have built and end-to-end HRMS platform. We continuously focus on adding features that will help you build a better workplace for your employees and make them happier!

Check out here !