
Why do you need a good cloud-based HR system for your organization?

Traditionally for a mid-size or small business, HR has been a support function to facilitate the organization with good coordination skills. Thanks to automation, the percentage of knowledge workers in the workforce is increasing rapidly and most of these folks are a new demanding generation. With this rise, the role of HR in the organization is transforming by the day.

Nowadays, HRs have evolved into business partners. They play an important role in planning the growth where businesses are directly linked to people management. Their voice is now part of the top management and affects business decisions as well.  Some part of this transformation can be attributed to the new softwares that have come up to help HR.

Many forward-thinking organizations have been using HR systems to manage their operations for a long time now. But many of those systems are too archaic that it does not strike a chord with the next-gen employees. As per human nature, we tend not to change anything till it breaks but it is paramount for organizations nowadays to remain ahead of the curve when it comes to technology.

Given all this, having a best in class, cloud-based HR system enables the HR team to become real business partners. HR management systems have been into the market for quite sometime now, but the duration to implement it is too high given the technical complexity.

Having a cloud-based HR system removes this barrier of technical complexity and ensures that the HR team focuses on more important activities. Some of these systems have even gone ahead and created a guidance tool within their system to help employees get acquainted well with the change. At happierWork, our focus has always been on reducing the technical pain points and providing a seamless experience for employees from day one with the most intuitive user experience possible. Now is the time that HR can own the entire HR system rather than co-owning it with the technical team.

Implementation of HR system may seem too rosy a task but it can be pretty tiring for a big team. You need really good partners to take on the implementation project head on. It is not an easy task but it’s not too difficult either. With a good amount of time spent on selecting a correct system to implement and to choose the best team for implementation, we can make the process a cakewalk as well.

In our upcoming articles, we will be running a series on how to choose a correct system and how to bring the right team onboard. Stay tuned!